Category Archives: Introduction

A new journey begins…

More than a decade ago, I moved to London along with husband and child from India. Moving continents was challenging but also great fun! The first thing I did when I got out of the airport was to look for Daffodils – it was spring then – and the taxi-driver obligingly pointed out the golden beauties to me. Having grown up reading Wordsworth’s ‘Daffodils’ in school – it was one of the first things I’d wanted to see and I wasn’t disappointed. The enchantment hasn’t left me to this day…

When I landed, child in tow, as a family we didn’t know a single person in this country – but the internet came to my rescue and I slowly became familiar with the world of blogs and blogger and suddenly I wasn’t so alone any more. I had always loved reading and writing and blogging seemed like a natural progression.

I started my blog ‘The Glass Wall’ ( in 2004 and maintained it until 2008 – it was fun and also creatively fulfilling! And the added bonus was that I made friends all over the world, most whom I did not meet, but some who I did and who are my friends to this day. I thank them for sharing my journey with me.

As life intervened, I decided to take a hiatus from blogging but now I feel ready again. My little boy is all grown up and at university (where have the years gone!) and am suffering from the empty-nester syndrome. I then took it upon myself to write in a more serious fashion and have finished the first draft of my novel and struggling with creating a polished second (final?) draft.

Life seems to be demanding a change again, the chance to move continents has arrived again and soon I might move to the Far East becoming a trailing wife.

The nomad in me is rearing to go but the mother is sad. But whatever happens, I shall take you on the journey with me both metaphorically as a writer and literally across continents. I hope you enjoy the ride!


Filed under Introduction